Sunday, 15 May 2011

John Madin Archive

So last Thursday saw the second year portfolio hand in. With most of it pretty much done for the pin up the week before, I surprisingly found myself with nothing to do! Praying for that PASS to move onto the second year. I even feel we've had it easy this year in relation to the first year, and I'm not even gonna think or say anything about the third year!

So below Ive posted my 'small' collection for the year.

This page consists of the NE and SE section of the site. The SE section shows the long slope which runs from the bridge into the hub of the main structural archive. The whole idea reflects the multi level city of how Birmingham is built up, compared to other cities. The 3 levels consist of Train, Pedestrian and Motor
Vehicles. Ive tried to pull this idea and incorporate into my design. The upper level consists of the green roof and the lower being the long slope into the open gallery space.

The Elevations I think really show how the buildings sits within the context. On the canal side, reflection off the water was addressed and vertical louvers have been placed, this will stop the internal space from over heating and provide shelter from the harsh sunlight reflecting off the water. Horizontal louvers are also situated on the long glass windows.

The plans show how the main archive and its surrounding rooms connect throughout the building. This will be positioned at the furthest and widest point of the site to allow for sufficient size rooms. The central room on all of the plans consists of the Archive space. This situated here to give the feeling of protection from the outside environment, away from direct sunlight and human contact.

The environmental design within the building shows how the hot and cold air is flushed into and out of the building. High thermal mass concrete slabs will be used to slowly release warm air into the spaces. A heat exchange pump will also be installed within the canal.

So, thats the small section of the portfolio. Didnt put all the pictures up! Just hope its worth that pass. But as for now thats all ive got! Hopefully be posting some more information and updates on the hayes bridge project currently underway. Just a couple more design tweeks and meetings, then the build will take place on the 18th July! Keep watching!

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